- Amigos de Animales, animal rescue, La Ribera 624/130-0091 www.amigosdeanimales.org
- Asociacion de Artes del Mar de Cortez A.C. Also known as: East Cape Arts President: Dale Crawford www.eastcapearts.com eastcapearts@gmail.com
- Chuy Cota delivers food and necessities to the poorest and most needy here LB. - 624-154-9179. He speaks English and appreciates all donations
- East Cape Guild Hi School Scholarships - Jill Borggreve 624-156-8739c www.eastcapeguild.com
- East Cape Health Center - Charlene D. Wenger, Founder 624-157-0081c www.eastcapemedical.com 141-0797 eastcapedental@yahoo.com 624- 145-2565
- East Capers Periodical - Sponsored by Asociacion de Artes del Mar de Cortez A.C., www.eastcapearts.com eastcapearts@gmail.com
- KB4Girls (Kiteboarding for Girls) Baja Chapter - Megan O'Leary - 624 145 0064 http://www.kb4girls.org/chapters/north-america/baja-mexico.html
- Leaders2Give Inc. Protecting vulnerable children in BCS. Adam Greenberg info@leaders2give.org https://www.leaders2give.org
- Recycling - East Cape Recycling & Environmental Education - www.eastcaperecycling.com - Theresa Comber +52 624-182-2355
- Rotary - LB - The Rotary Club of Los Barriles Cabo Del Este - President Jean'e Harkleroad www.losbarrilesrotaryclub.org
- UVERDE - LB Tehroma Lask romalask@prodigy.net.mx