- Laura lauraborialis@gmail.com
- House Checkers: Daily, Weekly, Monthly house checks. Excellent references. trainirk360@gmail.com 624-132-6893
- Los Barriles Property Services www.LBpropertyservices.com / LBpropertyservices@gmail.com -- Betto 624-124-8282
- Las Lomas II Property Management - La Ribera - laslomas2development@hotmail.com www.laslomas2.com
- Cabo del Este Property Management - LR - cabodelestepm@gmail.com office ph # 624 130 334
- Quality Property Management La Rivera Patrizia Riosa 624-355-7463 bajagypsygirl@yahoo.com
- Wolf Property Management - LB - 624-124 8171, 858 222 3539us info@wolf-pm.com www.wolf-pm.com
- East Cape Vacation Rentals - LB - Julie - (530) 350-3161 U.S. or (624) 141-0381 mex. www.abajavacation.com
- Hector Amador - SJDC 624-155-5218
- Priscilla Duran - Los Barriles Life Vacation Rentals. Competent vacation rental manager. We handle marketing, the booking platforms, and our own Los Barriles website for direct bookings. We offer a great vacation experience with our concierge program. Contact me at priscilla@losbarriles.life / +52 612 158 6762
- Property management services. care of your property & bill payments, concierge service, transportation, support and guidance, maintenance and more... Octavio & Isabel // info- 624 184 0170 or theturtle.pm@gmail.com and espondalomeli@yahoo.com.mx
- Property Manager Ing. Divian Mendez 6242106549 - devime26@gmail.com