Business Name
  1. Miguel Angel Richie Camacho (Juan Richie) - San Jose Del Cabo - 142 0312

  2. Alejandro Viscaino - cell - 612 140 4355 - is the septic cleaning man from Buena Vista - no English

  3.  Servicio/Extraction, 612-153-3066 sani.bajasur@gmail.com

  4. Servitodo - Sanitary maintenance.   6123489001 jorge_trujillodulche@hotmail.com
  1. Ace Shawver - House painting - 612-149-3572
  2. Alberto Abaroa Architect, Cabo Este design and construction, Enter the website to see all our services   +52 612 176 4099 – alberto@tdccaboeste.com - www.tdccaboeste.com - www.tdccaboeste.com/professional-services - arq.albertoabaroa@gmail.com
  3. Baja Beach Investments - full service construction. jeffinbaja@gmail.com 760 494 7381 Cell 624 157 9212
  4. Bahia Construction and Hurricane protection - 141-0277 www.bahiaconstruction.com
  5. Baja Modern Contemporary Homes - LB - Michael Blakemore 949-376-4319 - mike@bajamodern.com
  6. C & G Builders, Cesar Gonzalez, Engineer and Ronald Corder Designer - www.cgbuilders.com.mx cgbuilders@prodigy.net.mx; Office: 624 124 8012; 612 127 0925c; 818 435 4169v
  7. CAN-AM-MEX CONSTRUCTION, we garantee our work, no job to small or to big; limited to La Paz and suburbs; 50 year experience, our fees are 15% administration of materials and labor cost. 612 348 9793
  8. Desert Rose Development S de RL de CV, Blake Gage, Mex cell 624-122-4091, US 951-742-3182., info@desertrosedevelopment.com, www.desertrosedevelopment.com
  9. Hernan Lucero Burquez. Civil Engineer- LB 624-124-8556, 624-129-9954 hernanlucero@hotmail.com Office next to LB Properties behind El Barralito
  10. Jose Lucero 624-124-8556 Miguel Meza 612-136-2612 Palapas
  11. JA Custom Home Designer-Builder. Jorge Luis Ayala B. Civil Engineer losbarrilesdesigns@gmail.com (624) 141 0155 off. (612) 348 8417 cellSkype: jorgeayalasr
  12. Paul Clark - 624-147-0111, www.eastcapehomes.com. servicing Cabo Pulmo to Shipwrecks
  13. Ing. Antonio Rochin Ruiz Civil Engineer, builder & survey 624-15 70643, 624-18-80865  Rochin.antonio@gmail.com
  14. LB Palapas & Pergolas - Gerardo Vizcarra - 044-624-12-23011c - gerardo@lbpalapas.comwww.lbpalapas.com
  15. Palapa - Sheppy Collins Cell phone 624 16 00665
  16. Pedro paints Exterior - interior Roof sealing Tel.624-117-2301 - superminibenyo@yahoo.com
  17. RM Construction - Ricardo Meza Lucero Richardml_79@hotmail.com, 044-524-113-9570
  18. Seco Roofing PVC.  Cell 624-119-3852 or email secoroofing@gmail.com or Facebook Seco Roofing John Thatcher
  19. UBL Designs ~ Remodels, Additions, Consulting, Permitting, Construction. Tehroma Lask www.ubldesigns.com 011-52-1-624-145-2750c 011-52-624-141-0069o romalask03@gmail.com WhatsApp +52 624-145-2750
  20. Windows - SJ Ventanas Finas 624-114-8216 www.ventanasfinas.com.m
  21.  Windows and Doors  matildeoropeza@ventanasfinas.com.mx,      alejandrasierra@ventanasfinas.com.mx                624-154-7918
  22. RLS GENERAL CONTRACTORS Small, medium or large jobs from La Ribera to El Cardonal (624) 129-6941 rlsgeneralcontractors@gmail.com     www.rlsgeneralcontractors.com
  23. Hector Amador, SJDC, 624-155-5218
  24. José Martín Sandez - Constructions, electricity and plumbing - Tel: 612 13 25 226 - Cel: 612 85 91 676 - e-mail: sandezljm@aol.com.
  25. Palapa - Benjamin -cell 624 168 6339
  26. Gregorio  marble installation, tile, roof sealing, painting, fine details and maintenance in general free estimates in Barriles and surroundings.  W.catymoreno86@gmail.com
  27. Giovanni Ruiz Martin - Home Maintenance Services 100% Bilingual,  Reliable and Honest  624 168 7970 - gohomebaja@gmail.com
  28. Small repair and construction of palapas and pergolas.  sale of net to protect your palapa !! +(52)-6241747298 - carlos_viz@icloud.com
  29. Raul and Marcos construction jobs, tile, concrete, speak English, references. what's app      624 261 1885.   Good Prices.
  30. Alberto Abaroa Architect, east cape design and construction, interior design, furniture, finishes, turnkey level construction 612 176 4099 - tdccaboeste@gmail.com
  31. Construction and mantenance solutions   6241573895 - floresfuentesgregorio@gmail.com
  32. KJAIL BUILDINGS We are a company dedicated to construction, design and maintenance.  Ing. Divian Mendez/Alberto Zarza 6242106549 - grupoxmendez@gmail.com
  33. Grupo Constructor MV - full-service design and construction. Contact Oscar at email- Arqmendoza_33@hotmail.com or WhatsApp/Cell +52 775-101-7183.
  34. cv design and construction.  -designs, -construction, -estimates, -supervision, +526241747298 ing. carlos vizcarra  carlos_viz@icloud.com
  35. Hermes Muñoz  contractor. 624 358 5821


  1. Armando's - LB, 624-141-0600 epbarriles@hotmail.com

  2.   Cabo Green Power -  624-122-0346  david@cabogreenpower.com

  3. EF Block: Recycled, reformed, polystyrene construction system Kay: skuekert@yahoo.com 624-142-8158 MX/ 541-234-4426 US

  4. El Arco Los Barriles. Plumbing, hardware, electrical and pool supplies.  Next to middle school Highway one     624 124 8271 and ventas@elarcolosbarriles.com.mx .

  5. Novidesa insulated concrete forms and building materials. 612 158 9854 o icfdealerbaja@gmail.com

  6.  Earth-Block.com 100% ecological building blocks. Structurally and thermally superior to any other building material available now in the Baja.   earthblockbcs@gmail.com

  7. Baja Building Management. Free Estimates from small projects to complete homes. 35 years experience. bajasynergy@gmail.com 624 358 3847. Brothers Kevin and Chuck.

  8. Buena vista marble and granite sta, north of the tire shop Highway One. 624-160-5558
Business Name
  1. Andres.  dnaintj@hotmail.com  6241795347
  2. Bob Rosa LB - 1428010 - ulumaulu@yahoo.com
  3. Francisco "Paco" Higuera cel. 624-175-7766c 124-8137
  4. J & A Carpentry - LR - Jaroc "J"- 624-175-1022c English
  5. Maderas del Rio - LR - Mike, 624 158 9837 mandt@prodigy.net.mx
  6. Mario - house painting 624-171- 3104.
  7. Reginaldo Cosio (Chico) 624-132-5882 (cell) speaks English
  8. Studio Lambda 16 Carpentry - Liliana - 624-184-8896 English spoken - studio.lambda16@gmail.com
Business Name
  1. Door Tech Mexico 624 159 8917 (cell) or email at doortechmexico@hotmail.com.
  2. Windows, Screens, doors, mirrors closets shower doors, tempered glass and repairs, MASTER-ALUMINUM, WE DO ALL CUSTOM WORK
  3. VIALUM | aluminum doors and windows, mosquito nets, mirrors, glass, tempered glass, general repairs and hurricane shutters | CEL. 624 176 5311 (whatsapp) Juan Ramon - vialum.losbarriles@gmail.com
Business Name
  1. Luis Gonzalez Robles 624-166-7104 or 612-157-5979
  2. Pilar Flores Mesa 624-17-68133
  3.   Electro-plumber Alfredo Maciel - 624 118-3145  maciel.mg@hotmail.com
  4. Alberto Zarza  6242106549 - grupoxmendez@gmail.com
  5. Electric gate, garage doors.  Christian Contreras Leal, San Bartolo  Installs and repair. 624-159-8917
  1. ASM Windows & Doors in Los Barriles (Alvarez or Faustino) ph 624-124-8105
  2. Car Fer Aluminum in La Ribera (Carlos Vela) email carferlr@gmail.com;
  3. Tyrone 612-132-0346.
  4. Martin A.B. from San Bartolo 045- 612-156-6188
  5. VIALUM | aluminum doors and windows, mosquito nets, mirrors, glass, tempered glass, general repairs and hurricane shutters | CEL. 624 176 5311 (whatsapp) Juan Ramon - vialum.losbarriles@gmail.com
  6. Storm protection and decor. services: -Sale and installation of hurricane curtains, interiors and awnings.  -Quotes without obligation. Tel: 6242031203 or 6241757720 La Ribera, San José del Cabo, Cabo San Lucas. - rosa@stormprotectionanddecor.com
Business Name
  1.  Los Pily's - Pilar 624-164-2080,
  2. Jose 624-166-5511 Los Barriles
  3. Alberto Zarza 6242106549 - grupoxmendez@gmail.com
  4. Francisco Javier Garcia Esparza  613-124-6850
  5. Bizzaca's Plumbing Services 6242673498 - jbizzaca@hotmail.com
Business Name
  1. Seco Roofing 624-119-3852 secoroofing@gmail.com Seco Roofing on Facebook, John Thatcher
  2. EastCapeRoofing.  Local American run roofing specialist.  Waterproofing roofs with highest quality products and skilled local installers. 18 years experience.  Free estimates and many references.  624-227-1170.  Chuck - eastcaperoofing@hotmail.com
  3. Make sure your roof is sealed properly before the rains come  Free estimates.  Lots of references.  Local professional.  8 year product.   Kevin bajasynergy@gmail.com
  4. Baja Blooms Florist and Boutique will be Open through the Summer. Now is the time of school graduations. I will be ordering extra flowers for weeks of graduation. I will also be open late of the actual days of graduations. However, Summer Hours are 11-4.
    If you have a flower need that is not during business hours , please do not hesitate to call me +1469-777-0086.and I will happily meet you up at the florist.  We also have 2 more shipments of mens summer shirts. They are all different from each other.  Thank you so.much for your support
Business Name
  1. Herman Isac Castro - LB. Window Frames, glass, showers, roller replacement for sliding doors, screens, Frosted Glass.  Across from Fountain next to Plaza del Pueblo. 624-224-9520 624-358-2669/ 407-439-5311/ or r.screen@hotmail.com
  2.   All Around Solutions - LB - 624 358 5327 - allaroundsolution12@gmail.com
  3.  Bahia Construction and Hurricane protection - 141-0277 www.bahiaconstruction.com
  4.   Windows, Screens, doors, mirrors closets shower doors, tempered glass and repairs, MASTER-ALUMINUM, WE DO ALL CUSTOM WORK abrahamsauceda76@gmail.com
  5. Windows and Doors  alejandrasierra@ventanasfinas.com.mx 624-154-7918  matildeoropeza@ventanasfinas.com.mx
  6. Aluminum windows Alberto Zarza 6242106549 - inoxmendezcsl@gmail.com
Business Name
  1.  Isidro - Tiler 612-204-1302
  2. Leo Contractor - 612-197-7545\
  3. Tile cleaning  Grout & Tile Cleaning and Sealing & Painting. - mannyupholsterycleaning@gmail.com
  4. MJML, Mario Meza tiler. Mariomeza358@gmail.com or What’s App 612-102-4701