
SATURDAY, JULY 4, 2020  –  #4129

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04 Sat Independence Day USA
05 Sun Full Buck Moon or Thunder Moon


a. East Cape Health Center Announcement

In light of the feedback from our posting last weekend, we are as concerned as the next person about the spread of Covid19 . We will keep the community informed with the statistics and spread of this virus in Baja from official sites.  We all agree that the community  deserves to open up and allow people to get back to work and earn a living. We all look forward to the restaurant’s opening and recreational fishing and sports to return.  The post from last Saturday was compiled from information from research as information comes in, pls check out the: CoronaVirus Baja California Sur Situation Room site, the Daily Mexico News and The Whole Enchilada. These sites offer interesting viewpoints, statistics and areas at risk and on the rise. They post daily. This virus is no joking matter. Some of the feedback was accusatory and defenseless, yet others complementary and appreciative for the honest updates. We understand that this may have been upsetting to some, while others are very grateful for the updates and information. There may be softer ways to voice concerns but seriously, we don’t make this up.
Please accept our regret for any misunderstanding. We do our best to be advocates for the health of the community.
La Paz has seen a sharp rise, now up to 325 cases. They have closed the beaches and Malecon and strongly urging the use of masks and social distancing. The hospitals had over 100 admissions last weekend alone.   Cabo has 209 / Loreto, who had zero for the longest time now has 78/ Mulege` 106/ Comandu` 85.  In Senora at the Arizona border, they have closed off the borders from anyone from the US trying to enter into Mexico. Bordering California is also a consideration for closures with a rise of >10,000 cases in So Calif.
Although more people recover than expire, the process can be painful. Especially vulnerable are those with underlying medical conditions, like high blood pressure, pulmonary conditions, diabetes, obesity  and underlying heart disease; this virus targets this vulnerable population with possible secondary blood clots, heart attacks and strokes..  Please revisit this site to see how this virus started and how quickly it spreads;
Please, if you must go out,  wear a mask or protective face covering, socially distance, avoid crowds and wash your hands frequently. Stay close to friends who you know are not at risk.
Covid testing with plasma antibodies and PRC is offered at East Cape Health Center. Please call for appointments beginning next week after Tues. 624-157-0081
Thank you for your support, ECHC team.
7/4/20 Update:  Update today La Paz has 355 ( up 30) Cabo 253 (up 44)  Loreto  84(up 6) Muluge 116 ( up 10)  Comondu 90 (up 5 ) just since Thursday from my last message to you.


a.  Carlo ! Chris…. Got Mangos? Carlo last time we crossed paths the cold Indio beers were on me….lets do it again, celebrate mango’s for Julio. Call Juanito 130-0338 – simpsondelta@Yahoo.com


a.  Cafe María will be open for take-out only for few more days, Enjoy our Hamburger Special Weekend: BBQ, Teriyaki, Pineapple, French Fries, Onion Rings, and more, send an email to receive our menu to pris.cafemaria@gmail.com. The regular menu is available too. Orders can be placed by email or phone: 14 10511

b.  Simply… a range of foods freshly made in Los Barriles to make it a treat to eat at home again.  This week I have * Rich beef lasagne made with Bolognese sauce slow cooked in red wine  * Falafels, Middle Eastern chickpea patties *   Pre-order for collection in town on Wednesday morning.   Get in touch to find out more and place your order.   simplylosbarriles@gmail.com  Or find me on Facebook @simplylosbarriles


a.  piedra angular church services 10am sundays – vcabo2002@msn.com

BAJA BIZ –   Repeats every TWO weeks. 5 lines/10-15 words per line/50 words total – subject to editing

a.  Papeleria C.T. / Mon-Fri 7:30am-9:00pm Sat-9:00am-6:00pm Email: papeleriact16@gmail.com whatsapp: 871-419-1396. near the water store el dorado.

b.  Hola we will be doing grocery delivery next week to LB, if you are interested please send us a email.  Send us your list separated by store, you can order from Costco, and small items from Home Depot. We accept credit card. – krakendivers@gmail.com

NOT WANTED – THREE LINE LIMIT!! –   Repeats in one week. All Coconuts are US in origin. Subject to editing. (Bad words: sell, money, $, dollars, pesos) – Keep it short!  Sorry, no photos. Use Craig’s list and include link.

a.  1973 VW Thing(Safari).74,000 miles, always garaged. 8,500 cocos. email Gary at viper333@att.net for photos

b.  4- pirelli scorpion atr tires. 265/65 r17. strong 1/4″ tread. 350 usd. must take all 4. in great condition. i swapped out road tires for dirt tires. contact mike. email,  9thinc@gmail.com

===THE END===